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How can you ensure that your business or school is prepared for technological and societal change?

Brazil is facing an era marked by change that is affecting businesses and educational institutions. Advances in technology mean that businesses must deal with new processes, new rules and new management system specifications. Schools and universities must accommodate the needs of students from a wide variety of backgrounds, while adapting to changes to the BNCC (Base National Common Curriculum) and providing students with quality content that is accessible online. 

Training is the key to keeping up with the pace of change. Personal and professional training allows businesses to remain competitive and provides schools and universities with the tools to transmit knowledge in a meaningful way.

Supporting you with customized, high quality training solutions

SGS Academy provides businesses and schools with customized training courses that can be accessed face to face, online – with videos and interactive presentations  – or in a hybrid format.  Our dedicated team of experts will design a cost effective training solution for you, in line with your learning objectives and strategic indicators. 

Courses for business

We offer training for all areas and segments of business, including:

  • Automotive
  • Industry
  • Logistics and supplies
  • Food safety 
  • Medical and cosmetics
  • Sustainability and the environment
  • Social responsibility
  • Finance
  • Management
  • Human resources (HR)
  • Quality and risk management, including ISO 9001 compliance

Our training is available face-to-face and online.

Courses for schools

We provide training for educators at all levels: elementary, high school, undergraduate and postgraduate. Our course content is aligned with the new BNCC. We have an elaborate bank of test questions and offer simulations for exams – including ENEM and ENADE – given by the largest and best universities in Brazil.

Tailored training from a global leader

We are a global leader in professional training, combining global expertise with the knowledge of local specialists. Contact us to learn more about SGS Academy training solutions or to request a proposal.

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